
Time-Varying Lights gallery

Here is a selection of images of time-varying light sources. All were taken with conventional DSLR cameras; however, the camera was moved during the shot, allowing the lights to paint "traces" across the sensor. The traces show the history of what the lights were doing during the exposure, and hence, the time-varying behavior of those lights. The photography section on this website has more details on the technique.

See more on Flickr!

If you like these photos, head over to my Flickr gallery to see many more.
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CRT monitor
CRT monitor
CRT monitor Gallery: Gallery Description: A downward swept photo of a CRT monitor results in multiple images of what's on the screen. These images are flattened vertically due to the way that the monitor works and the motion of the camera.
Additional Info Updated: 18 Jan 2015

Site design

This site is powered by Joomla! CMS. The template is "Cast" from Joomlage, modified here and there. The gallery is powered by RokGallery. All design by Dan Bennett.


All content on this website, including images, videos, text and material from "A Field Guide To Time-Varying Light Sources" is © 2023 Daniel H. Bennett / / A Bear Peering Round A Rock, and may not be reproduced without permission. All rights reserved to the extent of applicable law. Exceptions: third-party images, which are credited as applicable, third-party embedded videos and public domain images.